Art lessons take different forms, depending on the medium being used, but each lesson gives the children increased knowledge and tests their understanding of the subject in a practical, creative manner, in order to become more competent, confident and motivated.
The curriculum is designed to foster and raise aspirations, opening the children up to the potential of their artistic talent, a talent they very often might not even know they had within them! We at Whipton Barton Federation want children to enjoy having Art in their lives as not only a way of enjoyment, but also as a potential future career: the world needs sculptors and painters and in their lessons is where they can start to dream!
Children in our Early Years classes develop a love of art through their imaginative play as well as through guided sessions. Children are encouraged to express themselves freely by exploring and creating with a variety of materials, tools and techniques.
They experiment with colour, design, texture, form and function in order to create purposeful marks and they are taught the skills which enable them to do this safety. In Autumn 1 of Reception as part of their ‘Superhero’ topic children learn to create line drawing of Super Daisy in the style of Nick Sharratt and in Autumn 2, they work in 3D to use clay to create a diva for Diwali.
They have access to well-resourced creative areas where they can choose the most appropriate resources for the effect they want to create. Our Art curriculum allows children to feel their confidence grow and develop a sense of achievement when working, as they are guided in their successes and are always being extended or aided to achieve the best they can. Those children who might be reticent to join in - “I can’t draw. I’m rubbish.” - can easily take part and feel a sense of achievement in lessons, particularly when they master something that they found tricky at the start. The lessons are progressive and cumulative, with success being at the heart of each one.
Success in Art can be internal, as well as practical, and takes different forms over the year. The children might be asked to show their work during a Celebration assembly, held in front of the whole school; they might gain recognition through getting a Head teacher prize, or get some dojo points, or maybe even have their work shared through our social media network. In school, they might have work displayed in class, or as part of a ‘Gallery’ session within their year group.
Art encompasses many areas, and we at Whipton Barton Federation want our children to be successful and have fun in all the disciplines taught. Whether it is drawing, sculpting, sewing, photography, painting, printing… there is an Art form for everyone.