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Our Trust of Schools

Meet the Governing Board

To contact the Governing Board please email 

  • Mark Llewellyn

    Chair / Co-opted Governor

  • Catriona Elton

    Vice Chair/Co-opted Governor

  • Louise Moretta

    Headteacher/ Ex Officio

  • Kerra Maddern

    Co-Opted Governor

  • Dan Harmer

    Staff Governor (Trust)

  • Dan Bassett

    Co-opted Governor

Mark Llewellyn

Chair / Co-opted Governor

Mark Llewellyn was appointed Chair of the Whipton Barton Local Governing Board in summer 2023. 

Professionally, Mark is Professor of English Literature at Cardiff University, which he joined in 2017 having previously worked for 6 years as director of a UK research funding agency. Mark is also a Governor of Plymouth Marjon University. 

In 2023/24, Mark is serving as a co-opted governor of Matford Brook Academy working with the other governors and the leadership team as the new school builds capacity. He will be offering insight and experience around the relationship between individual schools and the Trust in terms of governance, link governor roles and policies and processes.

Catriona Elton

Vice Chair/Co-opted Governor

I started as a Parent Governor at Whipton Barton in 2020, and am now a Co-opted Governor. I work in the public sector as a Data Protection Manager, ensuring that data is kept safe and used legally. 

I very much enjoy being a governor, and making a contribution, along with so many others, to the ongoing success of the Federation. 

Catriona is Vice Chair of the Board and Link Governor for Safeguarding & Attendance 

Louise Moretta

Headteacher/ Ex Officio

Louise is the Executive Headteacher of Whipton Barton Federation.  She is an Ex Officio Member of the Local Governing Board. 

Kerra Maddern

Co-Opted Governor

Kerra lives locally and is a former education journalist. She currently works as a press officer at the University of Exeter.

Kerra is the Link Governor for Careers

Dan Harmer

Staff Governor (Trust)

I am currently Deputy Headteacher at Matford Brook Academy, a brand-new all-through school within our Trust. I am excited to become a staff governor for Whipton Barton this year and will be link governor for disadvantaged pupils, supporting the progress of all in the Whipton Barton community. 


Dan is the Link Governor for Disadvantaged, jointly with Daniel Bassett

Dan Bassett

Co-opted Governor

Dan is a marketer and business professional from East Devon. He currently works for IMP Software as Head of Marketing and has previously worked with both regional and national brands in commercial and marketing leadership roles. 

Dan lives and works in Exeter with his wife and their Cockapoo, Murphy. 

Dan is the Link Governor for Disadvantaged, jointly with Dan Harmer